Role: Backend Developer
Technologies: Nest, Angular, Microservices, MongoDB, RabbitMQ, TypeScript, AWS, S3, OpenAI, Amazon, Mercado Libre API, BestBuy API, Crawler, Python
Bombbuy is a proof of concept for an application designed to automate the posting of products across various e-commerce platforms, including Amazon, Mercado Libre, and BestBuy. It utilizes a microservice-based architecture, where each microservice has a unique responsibility within the automation flow, communicating with each other via RabbitMQ to manage product postings efficiently.
As part of a three-person team, my main role was to develop the microservice for importing products from Amazon, which had not yet been integrated into the system. Additionally, I made several modifications and optimizations to other microservices, such as integrating the OpenAI API into the translation service, replacing the previous solution for greater efficiency. I also adapted the microservice responsible for posting products on platforms to align it with the latest updates from the Mercado Libre API, ensuring that the workflow remained in sync with the new platform requirements.